This Mom Adapts!

Adaptable Recipes, Access For All!

This page strives to provide recipes which are easily adaptable for those with dietary/medical needs, and financial and access constraints. To learn more, visit my post titled Why I’m Here.

To learn more about the types of access and dietary/medical needs I address in my recipes, check out the Access page.

Why I’m Here!

Why I’m Here!

Hi all! My name is Sandi, and I’m a mom, a wife, friend, and so much more! In my life, I’ve had to adapt countless times to different medical and financial situations. One of the things I have had to adapt the most, and something I am particularly passionate about, is the food i cook for our family.

Each time I’ve learned and adapted, I have found it difficult to find resources that fit our family’s needs. For example, a recipe may have been gluten free, but it certainly wasnt budget friendly! Or, it was budget friendly, but had way too much sodium or fat. Or, even worse, it SAYS it’s budget friendly because it costs under $5 per serving. WHAT?!

I truly believe that every single person, regardless of medical and/or financial constraints, should be able to cook healthy, delicious food! My goal is to post recipes that can be adapted to any number of medical and/or financial situations. Every recipe may still not be for every one, but I promise to do my best!

I am not a nutritionist, nor do I have any formal culinary training, but I promise, I am a decent cook! 😂 Without TMI, the medical food needs in my house currently include: celiac/gluten free, T1D, low carb, dye free, low sodium, low acid, and low fat. Everyone has different medical needs. One of my children has autism…IYKYK!

I have lived in times when we could afford to go out to eat once a week or so. I’ve also lived in times when the closest thing to going out to eat was going out to the grocery store to pick up ramen or a box of pasta! I have learned to eat on a budget, and stock my pantry when I have more to spare and goods are lower cost to help us during the more difficult times.

If one thing on this site helps one person, I’ll be a happy camper! If leads to more people helping others? Ecstatic!!

P.S. I am a newbie when it comes to blogging… be nice to me! 😂

Thanks for reading!

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